Patricia Martel is an experienced emergency management practitioner with a passion for enhancing the emergency management profession through the development and implementation of best practices. Patricia has +13 years’ experience in the field of emergency management which includes working for provincial and municipal governments. She has significant experience reviewing emergency management programs and providing recommendations that move them towards a more effective, proactive approach. In addition to this, she has developed best practices in hazard identification and risk assessment, and emergency planning for vulnerable groups.

She has extensive experience in developing plans and procedures including emergency response plans and hazard specific plans. Patricia has served in a range of positions in multiple Emergency Operation Centres for many emergencies. She is a Certified Emergency Manager (CEM) through the International Association of Emergency Managers. Patricia completed a PhD focused on effective operational emergency planning for vulnerable populations with a case study on schools. Her research focused on the social science aspects of emergency management and complemented her strong background in the natural sciences. This included research on natural hazards with a focus on severe weather.

To find out how Napier Emergency Consulting can help you, please reach out!